
英超联赛阅读理解题目 英语短文阅读

作者:体育吧 发布时间:2021-03-08 12:51:14


Fans Return to England's Premier League

Chris Dixon, 71, has been coming to West Ham soccer games for most of his life. After nine months of not being able to watch the team play, Dixon had tears in his eyes as he prepared to return to his seat at the team's home, the Olympic Stadium in London on December 5.

Premier League soccer fans have been allowed in the Olympic Stadium for the first time since March 2020, when stadiums were closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. A message on a screen outside the stadium said, "Welcome home."

英超联赛阅读理解题目 英语短文阅读(1)

Unfortunately for Dixon, West Ham was beaten 3-1 in the match against Manchester United.

Only 2,000 fans were allowed into a stadium that has space for 60,000. Each fan had their temperature checked and had to wear a face mask. COVID-19 cases are still increasing in Britain, and the virus killed 397 in the 24 hours before the match.

Only half of the Premier League's 20 stadiums are allowed to have fans, with most of them in London.

Ten teams, including Leeds and Manchester United, are in cities that still have strict coronavirus restrictions and can't have fans at games. In other major European soccer leagues, such as those in France, Germany, Italy and Spain, stadium seats are still empty.

"My life's back," said 31-year-old West Ham fan Ben Harris. "It's the one thing I've missed all through lockdown. I work hard during the week, my escape is to come here a couple of hours a week. It's what I do."


1. When did the Olympic Stadium close to fans?

2. How many fans were allowed to attend the match between West Ham and Manchester United?

3. Is Ben Harris a fan of Manchester United?



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