

作者:体育吧 发布时间:2023-09-17 18:42:15


昨天晚上,美自媒体球迷Uncovering the Truth晒出一组数据,并配文:为什么乔丹的场均得分高于詹姆斯,这就是原因所在,单赛季场均出手数+罚球数之和排名中,历史前15名乔丹有11个赛季,前20名中詹姆斯只有3个赛季。引来热议,一起来看看球迷如何评论!


What happened to the so call soft era?lebron's the greatest slasher ever and he doesn't have more free throws than 6 5 MJ? Makes no sense. When people say he scores most of his points from 0-3 feet don't u think he should be getting a ton of free throws??

所谓的软时代怎么了?勒布朗是史上最伟大的扣将,但他的罚球次数却没有身高6英尺5英寸的乔丹多?没道理啊。当人们说他大部分得分来自 0-3 英尺处时,难道你不认为他应该获得大量罚球吗?

I have so much more info and data that proves LeBron is a better scorer. He just had to do more than just score so he wasn't able to chuck 25+ shots per game like MJ and Kobe were always able to do


Lebron averages more shot attempts per game than kobe. Lol



He doesn’t get a fair whistle. That’s why. He gets more of a Shaq whistle. Cuz he’s too big and too strong, the defense is able to be more physical w him.




not fair when he was in the race for scoring title 2 seasons ago he attempted some of the most shots at the rim but he got like 3 free throws or smthing compared to giannis and embid who got like 8-9. He woulda won that year

这不公平,两个赛季前,他在得分王争夺战中的投篮命中率是最高的,但与得到 8-9 次罚球机会的字母哥和恩比德相比,他只得到 3 次罚球机会,那年他本可以夺得得分王的。


LeBron has one of the worst whistles in NBA history, prob only Wilt, Kareem and Shaq have worse. Just think about how many times you have seen LBJ drive, appear to get fouled while shooting, & the whistle doesn't blow until and unless the ball doesn't go in? Happens all the time

勒布朗的哨声是 NBA 历史上最糟糕的哨声之一,可能只有威尔特、贾巴尔和奥尼尔的哨声更糟糕。试想想,你见过多少次勒布朗进攻,投篮时似乎被犯规,而哨声直到球没进才响起?经常发生。

The Boston Tatum foul is indicative.



That’s been a huge thorn in brons side his entire career. He’s so big and fast when he’s driving that some blatant fouls to him don’t seem like fouls to refs because when he gets fouled his arm doesn’t move.



Everyone at heart knows bron is a better scorer then MJ

Bron is the youngest to score every thousandth point

Mj needed 3 years of college to get in season while bron was a elite scorer in his 2nd year at the age of 19

每个人都心知肚明,詹姆斯比乔丹更能得分。詹姆斯是每个千分段最年轻的得分手。乔丹需要上 3 年大学才能打进联盟,而布朗在第二年19岁的时候就成为了优秀的得分手。

Scored 8 points in a NBA Finals game in his prime.

巅峰时期曾在一场 NBA 总决赛中得到 8 分。


KD has a higher career PPG than LBJ. He has taken less FGA per game and less FTA per game in his career than LBJ. The excuses and reasons LBJ fans come up with for why LBJ stats aren’t better or why he didn’t accomplish something always make me


KD averages 0.07 PPG more, shoots 1 less FG and 0.1 less FT per game

Hanging onto negligible differences is not making a good point

杜兰特场均多得 0.07分,少出手1次和 0.1 次罚球,抓住可以忽略不计的差异不放是没有意义的。

Despite your hypotheticals of lebron would’ve scored more if he wanted to Jordan still scored more. I don’t discredit lebrons playmaking with “Jordan could’ve had more assists than Bron if he wanted” and cite that one stretch he played pg and averaged a triple double

尽管你假设如果勒布朗愿意,他的得分会更多,但乔丹的得分仍然更多。我不会用 "如果乔丹愿意,他的助攻数可能比勒布朗还多 "来诋毁勒布朗的打球能力,并举出他曾在一段时期里打过控卫,场均三双的例子。


This is why.



Maybe Lebron would have more rings if he shot more.


So why has mj won more?


A bunch of excuses. Mj better.




Maybe, since he’s such a great scorer, he should have shot more and he may have won more? MJ figured out how to win, and did. LeBron tried to be an everything player and didn’t win. MJ knew what he was good at and won.


Season attempting at least 4 3 point attempts per game LeBron: 14 Jordan: 0


勒布朗:14 个赛季




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